The show must go on...
Born out of Theatre, LJS has extensive knowledge working within the West End and on tours all around the UK. We pride ourselves on creating incredible shows that we're proud to be a part of. Not only do we provide outstanding technical production, but we also handpick our staff to be personable, friendly and fun to work with. Shows can be stressful times, and that's why we're here to be a calm to the storm with our experience and creativity.
We can provide all equipment and crew, with professional Sound and Lighting Designers, who can operate the up-to-date equipment we offer. Whether it be for a theatrical show or for a touring music production, we're here for you.
To book your show or enquire about putting on your show, please contact us via email or give us a call. For LJS, nothing is impossible.
We can provide all equipment and crew, with professional Sound and Lighting Designers, who can operate the up-to-date equipment we offer. Whether it be for a theatrical show or for a touring music production, we're here for you.
To book your show or enquire about putting on your show, please contact us via email or give us a call. For LJS, nothing is impossible.